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Privacy Policy


Data Controller

Greta & William Lehtinen Foundation, 1473437-1, c/o Castrén & Snellman Attorneys Ltd, PO Box 233 (Eteläesplanadi 14), 00131 Helsinki,


Contact person for data protection matters

Ilona Karppinen, Foundation Secretary,


Purpose of processing personal data and purpose of the register

The registers of the Foundation's electronic application services process data on natural persons who have registered as users of the Foundation's electronic application services. The use of these application services requires multi-stage authentication of the customer. The data is processed for the provision, development and maintenance of the application services and for the management of the residency customer relationship.

Personal data is collected and processed to enable the purpose of the Foundation's activities. The Foundation also has a statutory obligation to collect personal data for example, on grants and scholarships granted for notifications to authorities. Information is also needed for the operational needs of the residency operation, such as the implementation of the service process and billing.

Grant applicant register

For making grant decisions.

Grant recipient register

For the payment of grants and monitoring of payments, reporting of grant applications and making grant payment notifications to the authorities.

Residency applicant register

For making residency decisions.


Data content of the registers

Grant applicant register

  • Basic information of the grant applicant such as name, profession or title, studies or activities in the field, contact information and date of birth
  • Basic information on the grant applied for, the purpose of the grant, possible working group, the amount of the grant applied for, other funding received or applied for for the same purpose.

Grant recipient register

The name, profession or title, contact information, personal identity code, payment contact information, date of grant and amount of the grant.

Residency applicant register

  • Basic information of the residency applicant such as name, profession or title, studies or activities in the field, contact information, nationality and date of birth
  • Basic information on the purpose, time and possible funding received for the residency period applied for

Regular sources of information

The personal data processed is collected primarily from the data subjects themselves in connection with the grant or residency application and in connection with the introduction of the application service. Information on the amounts of grants awarded and the date of award is combined with the data of the grant recipients by the Foundation.


Disclosures of personal data

Grant applicant register

In the processing of grant applications, the Foundation may use external experts who then process applications on behalf of the Foundation. The access of experts to grant application data is limited to the evaluation period of the applications.

The information of grant applicants may also be disclosed to another foundation or funding body if necessary to avoid overlapping grants.

The grants awarded are published on the website of the Greta & William Lehtinen Foundation and in the Foundation's annual report. In addition to the name and value or profession of the grant recipient, the amount of the grant is published. Information on grants paid and grant recipients is reported to the Tax Administration and Mela (Farmers' Social Insurance Institution), which manages the MYEL insurance of the grant recipients.

The Foundation also uses external service providers in its operations, who may have access to the personal data mentioned in this statement for the performance of their tasks.

Grant recipient register

The grants awarded are published on the website of the Greta & William Lehtinen Foundation and in the Foundation's annual report. In addition to the name and value or profession of the grant recipient, the amount is published. The grants paid are reported to the Tax Administration and Mela (Farmers' Social Insurance Institution), which manages the MYEL insurance of the grant recipients.

Residency applicant register

Residency applications are processed by the staff participating in the residency operations of the Greta & William Lehtinen Foundation.


Transfer of data outside the EU or EEA

Information is not transferred outside the EU or EEA.


Data retention

Grant and residency applications are kept for a maximum of 6 months from the receipt of the application. Information on grants awarded is kept published on the Foundation's website for ten years.


Right of inspection

The data subject has the right to inspect the data concerning him/herself. The request for inspection must be made in writing by a personally signed letter or personally at the data controller's premises. The request for inspection is addressed to the Greta & William Lehtinen Foundation and sent to the address mentioned in section 1. The data subject has no right to obtain information on statements concerning him/her or their contents.


Correction of information and implementation of correction of information

The data subject has the right to request the correction of incorrect information in the register. The request for correction should be made in writing and sufficiently identified. The request for correction is addressed to the Greta & William Lehtinen Foundation and sent to the address mentioned in section 1.


Other rights of the data subject

The data subject has the right to request the deletion of data concerning him/her, the right to object to the processing of personal data and the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.


Automated decision-making

Not used as the basis for automated decision-making without separately requested consent.